Create a Single Delivery Agreement
New agreements can be created directly from the user's home screen, but also through the agreement lists and from the agreement card.
To create a new Delivery Agreement from the list, click on +New
A new empty Delivery Agreement opens and is ready to be filled out.
Copying Delivery Agreements
Delivery Agreement can be copied to a new agreement. This actions copies all the significant information that was recorded in the original agreement, including assumptions about expected cost, extended texts etc.
The system then asks how many copies to make.
Delivery Agreement Overview
All actions for Delivery Agreements are either located at the top ribbon or by lines.
General Tab
The general tab at the top of an Agreement page is often referred to as the Header of an Agreement. In the header a Customer is selected. When the Customer is selected in the Delivery Agreement, the system automatically fills in the fields according to the configuration of the Customer Card. This information can be edited and changed in the Delivery Agreement. It is possible to edit white fields but grey fields are locked for editing.
Information about the products (Trade Items) that are being sold are listed here. The Delivery Agreement lines can have different statuses depending on the stage of the Delivery.
The color of the text in the lines indicated the status of the Trade Items (TIs).
Green and bold means that the Trade Items have been reserved (e.g., 10 TIs ordered and 10 TIs reserved).
Yellow means that Trade Items are partly reserved (e.g., 10 TIs ordered but only 8 TIs reserved).
Red means that too many Trade Items have been reserved (e.g., 8 TIs ordered but 10 TIs reserved).
Black is neutral and no Trade Items have been reserved in the line.
Bold and black means that the Trade Items have been loaded.
Delivery Agreement Tabs
Extended text - A text can be added to customize documents, files and reports that are created from a Delivery Agreement. To learn how to use Extended Text, click here.
Receipt Agreement - The Receipt Agreements tab displays the payment terms, shipment method and currency assignment that will be assigned when a Receipt Agreement is created from that Delivery Agreement.
A FactBox is located on the right side of the Delivery Agreement page and it is divided into one or more parts. This area is used to display content including statistics, quick overviews and analysis tools.