A Cross-Company message is triggered when an agreement is released or posted. The message is sent to the CC Partner through API and an Inbox transaction is created.
The Inbox transactions hold information from whom it is sent (CC Partner Code), which document initiated the message (Document type and No.) and when it was received.
The Inbox transaction can be processed manually or automatically, dependent on the setting of the CC Partner in the Wisefish Cross-Company Setup. When processed manually, a user needs to Accept the message and select to Complete Line Actions to process the message. The agreement is created on the receiver (Cross-Company Partner) side on either cases if the transaction are handled manually or automatically.
The message is then moved to the Wisefish Cross-Company Handled Inbox. Here, a list of sales and purchase transactions from CC Partners that have been processed and moved to the Handled Inbox Transactions are displayed. Information about the Document that was created on the receiver side is shown for each transaction (Original Document No. / Created Document No.)
After the message has been moved to the handled inbox and the Agreement has been created in the receiving Partner Company, all updates to the original Agreement will trigger a new message in the Wisefish Cross-Company Inbox . This message will show the Is Update field checked, to confirm that this is an update of an existing transaction.
When a duplicate CC message is received in the Inbox, the older message is transferred to the handled Inbox and marked with Line Action = Update. (A move to the handled inbox moves all connected table transactions to handled).
When a Inbox transaction is deleted, all connected table transactions are deleted as well.
Wisefish Cross-Company Inbox Actions
Below listed are some of the functions that you can execute being in the Wisefish Cross-Company Inbox page.
Line Action
There are three options available to be selected as Line Action
Accept - Set the Line Action field on the selected line/s to Accept. If the field contains Accept, the transaction will be processed according to the type of document involved.
Cancel - Set the Line Action field on the selected line/s to Cancel, to indicate that the transaction will be moved to the handled Inbox without processing.
No Action - Set the Line Action field on the selected line/s to "No Action", to indicate that the transaction will remain in the inbox.
Complete Line Actions
Clicking the Complete Line Actions button will process the selected Inbox line(s) according to the Line Action that was selected for each line.
After processing all transactions are moved to the handled inbox transactions.
Inbox Error List
When a message can not be handled in the inbox, the Line Action field lists an Error. More information about this can then be viewed in Inbox Error list which can be accessed through the Inbox Information dropdown.
Inbox Transactions
In the Inbox Information dropdown, it is possible to access the Inbox Transactions. This will display a list of all transactions that have been sent to the Inbox. It is also possible to access the sales and purchase transactions from CC Partners that are unprocessed in the Inbox.
View SAH transactions - to view a list of Sales Agreements (Delivery) that have not yet been handled
View PAH transactions - to view a list of Purchase Agreements (Receipt) that have not yet been handled