When you have connected to a Tenant After the Tenant connection has been established, you can set up your IC CC Partners.

The WF IC Wisefish Cross-Company Partner list is accessible on the WF IC Wisefish Cross-Company Setup page. You can do most editing directly from the list or open the WF IC Partner card Wisefish CC Partner Setup Card to edit each partner.

The IC CC Code is the Company Name of the IC CC Partner company which you can choose from a drop down list from in the field. When the IC CC Code is validated it automatically fills out in the fields that are necessary for the Tenant connection, the Tenant ID and Tenant Company ID.

You then need to fill in which Customer and Vendor to associate with the IC CC Partner and if you want the IC CC transactions to be processed automatically when they are created in the Inbox.
If you are sending messages between a Trader and Production company you can choose to send Ship-to information from the original Delivery in the Trader company to the Production company, the . The Ship-to information can then be viewed in a factbox the Fact Box on the Delivery Agreement in the Production company.
