Release Date: 26/4/2024
New Features:
No New Feature
Ability to let landing note from innova create fishing trip from external vessels.
New Feature?
We have a feature that allows users to create Fishing Trips from a landing note from Innova. Previously this functionality was limited to own vessels, this update extends support to external vessels as well. However, unlike transactions involving own vessels, transactions from external vessels will only generate Fishing Trip Headers and Lines without creating stock.
Receipt Agreement (Purchase/Storage): Updating location code in item line and related inbound lines, should update pre-created pallets as well (status = empty)
An enhancement has been made so that when the Location Code is changed in an Item line in a Receipt Agreement the pre-created pallets are also updated with the new Location Code.
02 : page 10005432 "WiFi Sales Agr. Line FactBox"
Sam, tested so could you write description
[WFBASE-275] 02 : page 10005432 "WiFi Sales Agr. Line FactBox" - Wise (atlassian.net)
Sales invoice to appear on delivery agreement when many sales shipments put together.
Two fields were created within a Delivery Agreement. Those fields are “Posted Sales Invoice Lines” and “Sales Shipment Headers”. These fields were added so that the user can see multiple Sales Invoices within one Delivery Agreement when many shipments are put together.
Posted Sales Invoice Lines: Indicates the posted sales invoice lines that the delivery agreement is related to.
Sales Shipment Headers: Indicates posted sales shipment lines that the delivery agreement is related to.
Add information to caption of Catch Certificate Entries.
An enhancement has been made to the “Catch Certificate Entries” page so the title displays more meaningful information. The information displayed varies depending on where the page is opened from, for example when opened from an Agreement the caption displays the Document Type, Document No., Line No. and Item No. When opened from a Pallet Entry the caption includes the Pallet Barcode and info on the key item on the pallet. When opened from a lot it displays the Lot Code and information on the inbound document (creation) if available.
Add activation field in WF Setup for automatic catch certificate entries
A field has been added in WF Setup called “Create Catch Origin on Landing” that will be set to off by default. This was done because we want the user to be able to choose if a Catch Certificate Entry is created when a Fishing Trip is landed. This also caused an issue when running the experience wizard on a new company because the Item field “Official RM Rep. Code” gets checked for a value, and not everyone is using that functionality.
These changes also include some upgrade code which will activate the field when customers update the system, if they had existing Catch Certificate Entries in their database.
Storage Invoicing Worksheet: If one set of entries for a specific customer contains an error, then all other entries for other customers are put on hold
To address errors in storage invoicing worksheets without hindering invoice creation for other customers. Users can now select the line that contains the designated Stock Center that the user would like to exclude from the worksheet and then select the "Exclude Stock Center From Worksheet" action to exclude the designated Stock Centers. This action removes all related worksheet lines from the worksheet, allowing error-free invoicing for other customers.