An enhancement has been made so that when the Location Code is changed in an Item line in a Receipt Agreement the pre-created pallets are also updated with the new Location Code.
02 : page 10005432 Enhancement in "WiFi Sales Agr. Line FactBox"
Sam, tested so could you write description
An enhancement has been done in the WiFi Sales Agreement Line Factbox in delivery agreement such that the Substitution link in the factbox can be clicked and drilled down further to open the list of Substitution page. Additionally, Show Prices and Show Line Discount in the factbox are working as before after the comment on the respective Procedures have been deleted.
Sales invoice to appear on delivery agreement when many sales shipments put together.
There was an issue with the calculations of Tare weight when a Trade Item containing Tare weight was split to two pallets. The calculation error only occurred in Trade Item Item Ledger Entries, When viewed in Open Trade Items the Tare weight was calculated correctly for both pallets.
This has been fixed so that no matter from where you view the Tare weight of a pallet it is calculated correctly.
Error because of semicomma semi comma ? Error because of spaces between emails when sending a Proforma Receipt Agreement in email
Not complete, still “In Progress”
When multiple emails are added to the “E-Mail” in a Stock Center and that stock center is selected as a Producer while sending a Proforma Receipt Agreement in an email from Delivery Agreement an error occurred and the email was not sent. The error has been fixed such that the Proforma Receipt Agreement are sent in email even if there are multiple email addresses mentioned separated by space or semi comma.
Typing error in tooltips of WF Logistics Setup