
The status of the fishing trip is in Registration.


To land the trip click From the Fishing Trip, click on Posting > Land to land it to stock and sell/produce from items.


Click Yes to land the fishing trip.


Another window opens where the user is given three options. The first one is :

Land and Create Purchase Invoice, this option is often used when the user wants to receive and invoice immediately. The second option is to - Receive the items, create a purchase and invoice document for the items.

Land and Create Purchase Order, this is often used when the user knows they are expecting more fishing trips from the same owner and will then invoice all the fishing trips later. The third one is Just Land Trip, this option is used - Receive the items and creates a purchase order. Create the invoice separately (possible to invoice multiple fishing trips together).

Just Land Trip - Receive the items without creating any purchase documents or invoices (this is often when the fishing trip is in the ownership of the company). Choose

Select the preferred option and click OK.


In this instance the option Land and Create Purchase Order is clicked. This is an example of a purchase order. Click Posting > Post to post the purchase order.


When Invoice/Order has been created you can Receive, Invoice or Receive and Invoice. Click


Items are now in “Open Trade Items” (Inventory).
