The information below shows how the Factoring Module is set up using the Assisted Setup. The Assisted Setup guides the user through the setup process and configurations of the solution.


Assisted Setup

The information below shows how the Factoring Module is set up using the Assisted Setup. The Assisted Setup guides the user through the setup process and configurations of the solution.

Click on Assisted setup from the settings icon on the home page.


Click on Open the Factoring Setup.


Then follow the step-by-step guide. Click on Next to start the Setup.


If Finish is selected the setup will be saved and everything has been setup to start using Factoring.


Manual Setup

To create a new setup, find the Factoring Setup Overview by searching for it using the search window. Click on Factoring Setup Overview.


Click New.


A new page opens where the user fills out all relevant information in the fields.


To edit an existing setup, select the line you want to edit and click Edit. One setup is created per Factoring Agreement.
