The information below shows how the Factoring Module is set up using the Assisted Setup. The Assisted Setup guides the user through the setup process and configurations of the solution.


Get Started

Click on Assisted setup from the settings icon on the home page.


Then click on Open the Factoring Setup.


Factoring Setup

Then follow the step-by-step guide. Click on Next to start the Setup.


The user can always change the activation status of the Factoring System. Click here to see how to change the status of the Factoring System after all setup is complete.


Click Next to continue to the next step of the Assisted Setup.


Fill out the fields and click Next to continue the setup.


Continue to click Next and fill out fields until the system displays a confirmation message that everything has been setup to start using Factoring. The user will then be given an option to either go back and make changes or save the setup by clicking on Finish.
