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No New Features.


  1. Do we need to create Create WiseFish BOM functionality to not touch BC-Manufacturing?


  1. .

A new Wisefish BOM functionality has been created by adding Wisefish BOM tables that has full control without relying into the BC Production BOM functionality. The objective behind this functionality is to allow customers to use the Wisefish BOM functionality by purchasing the more cheaper essential license compared to using the Production BOM with premium license.

  1. Update the field Tarriff No. Export in Wf Item Worksheet


A filed Tarriff No Export in the WF Item Worksheet displays the Tarriff code that has been added to Tarriff table. To achieve the same, the field 'Tariff No. Export' connected to the table "WiFiEx Tariff Number Export" has been added to the Item Worksheet table and page. Furthermore, a functionality for a field to works as expected when creating entries into the worksheet from the Item table and when migrating the item worksheet entries into the Item table has been added.

  1. New event after distributing lot.

[WFBASE-1849] New event after distributing lot. - Wisefish (

  1. Packing list will not run sequence from f.ex. "Report Selection - Agreements"


A change has been done such that the Catch Certificate entries has been updated in Cross-Company after lot distribution is done in both Delivery Agreements containing items from the lot and in connected agreements in CC-Partner company through CC-messages.

  1. The reports added in sequence for the selected Report Selection- Agreements should run in sequence.

All the reports defined in the report list in the Report Selection Agreements that are executing from the same table should run in sequence. After the first report is generated the pop up to execute the second report is displayed enabling user to run the report in sequence.


  1. Add Ref. fields to Catch Certificate Entries page (10005059)


The fields Ref. Type, Ref. No. and Ref. Line No. has been added at the end to the Catch Certificate Entries




  1. Catch Reporting - Worksheet and functons there - Remove from Wisefish?


tables 10005055). This enables the visibility of the traceability for the catch certificates, specifically in the lot cards. By default these fields should be set to “Visible= False” so that user can add them only when needed.


  1. Make all the Catch Reporting objects and references to these object obsolete.

All the objects that are related to Catch Reporting has been removed from the system. After the objects and references to these objects were removed some of the reports were displaying an error while generating, all the issues has been fixed and there is no side effect observed after these objects have been completely obsoleted.

  1. Create certification tab in the item card

[WFBASE-1760] Create certification tab in the item card - Wisefish (

  1. Lot card certification changes

[WFBASE-1762] Lot card certification changes - Wisefish (

  1. Improve factbox order in DA


With a mandate to allow user to easily access and find the certification program details, a new Category as “Certification Programs” has been added in the Item card. The following fields are displayed in this category:

  • Certification Process

  • Valid Certifications

  • Chain of Custody Certified

  • Chain of Custody Reports


  1. Lot Card Certification changes.

The following changes has been done in the Lot Card Certification Program.

  • When Certification Type in the Lot Certification Program Register table is “Certified” the Certification Process field on the related lot card is “Yes”.


  • If Certification Type is changed to “Not certified”, the Certification Process field on the related lot card should change to “No”.

  • When the user changes the value in the field, they get a pop up message that tells them that their changes will also affect the other field and that their items will now become not certified and vice versa.

  • The user should is also able to change the Certification Process field from “Yes” to “No” and vice versa and that also changes the Certification Type field in the Lot Certification Program Register page.

  1. Improve factbox order in Delivery Agreement

The following changes were done to improve the order of Factboxes in Delivery Agreement:

  • Move the Certification Program in factbox below Sales Agreement Customer Header.

  • Hide Azure File link by default. The user should be allowed to personalize and add it when needed.

  1. Figure out how to use configuration package in code


The “WiseFish: Configuration Package Onboard Control Panel” page and its related functionality, has been introduced – to be utilized as a “proof a concept” in the follow up stage, for creating automated process of on-boarding configuration packages from a Azure Blob Storage.

These utilities is targeted to an internal processes for on-boarding methods – Hence, the access to the utility is not intended for the general user. See more details within ticket's description.

  1. Setup Cert Prog. Codeunit for Sales Agr. and Purch. Agr.
