Setup Cert Prog. Codeunit for Sales Agr. and Purch. Agr.
An enhancement has been made such that the Certification Process has been removed from all reports and a CodeUnit was setup from which the reports can fetch Certification Process details for more uniformity and modularity.
The CodeUnits has been created for Sales Agreements, Purchase Agreements, Invoices and Credit Invoices. The following are the list of reports for which the code unit was created.
Wisefish Purchase Reports
10005301 (Purchase Agreement)
10005315 (Purchase Agreements from Delivery Agreement - Trader)
10005305 (Purchase Agreements from Delivery Agreement)
Wisefish Sales Reports
10004730 (Posted Sales Invoice)
10005310 (Sales Agreement - GRAND)
10005300 (Sales Agreement)
10004727 (Sales - Proforma Invoice)
10004728 (Sales - Credit Invoice)
10005402 (Packing List)
10006922 (Wisefish Export Packing List)
10006923 (Wisefish Export Packing List Detail)
Remove reference to PP group in purchase order