The enhancement has been done to correct the purchasing of Raw Mats from 3rd party Fishing Trips. Field “Purchasing Producer” now has caption “Purchasing Stock Center”, and that field is used when creating a purchase document from landing a fishing trip.
Also, when a “Trade Item” line in the purchase doc. has been deleted, and line is fetched again, it is ensured that the dimensions are fetched in the same way as when the line was originally created.
Resolved Issues:
Warehouse XML message or via DDM we are getting "warehousing outbound instructions" when we are after the "pick request"
"XML Recipient" field is not setup in the "Document Dispatch Matrix Setup" for DDM Warehouse messages; and that the XML Pick Request is now saved into the Azure Files as other saved files.
Link to List of Issues Released on this Release:
List of Issues in this release - WiseFish Release Notes - Confluence (atlassian.net)
Release History:
Release Note Wisefish 2021.2.20231201.38764 - WiseFish Release Notes - Confluence (atlassian.net)