No New Feature
Adjust purchase price functionality to new BC24 funtionality
After new Price List Functionality was released by BC on BC24, the Price List functionality was not working as expected for Purchase process.
When Wisefish setup is configured to automatically update purchase price lists with Direct Unit Cost from posted purchase invoice the system should automatically create/update a new purchase price list entry in the “Default Price List Code” as specified in the Purchases & Payables Setup while posting a purchase invoice for Wisefish items. This was not happening, the system did not produce nor update purchase price list entries for posted invoices.
The error has been fixed so that the system now produces or update the purchase price list entries for posted invoices automatically.
Add "Storage Agent lot" option to R10005501 - WiFi Loading Instructions.
An existing toggle field “Show Lot No” in the filter page of report WiFi Loading Instruction has been changed to dropdown and renamed as “Lot No Type”. Three options as Blank, Trade Item Lot No and Storage Agent Lot No have been added to the dropdown.
Unit of measure multiplication when having LB product, but system BMU is in kg.
There was an error with the multiplication of a product 10400 while flushing Inbound from Innova when importing LB product but the system Base unit of measure is in Kg.
The error has been fixed.
Improve units of weight in "Inbound from Innova".
Some enhancement has been done in the logic on how the unit of measure has been handled while flushing the product records received from Innova. The caption and validation changes have been done so that there is no any issues when the base unit of measure is in Kg but the product is in LB. The two new fields have been added as ItemWeightUnitOf Measure and Weight in Item WUOM and these fields have been used for adding validations while flushing the record.
Fix small "v" in "viðskiptavinir" on role page
When in the role WiseFish Sales Export Profile (Forstilling útflutningssölustjóra WiseFish) in the home page there is small letter “v” in the “viðskiptavinir”. This has been changed to make “V” capital.
Resolved Issues:
Original Producers is not filled out in Receipt Agreement
While creating a multiple Receipt Agreement from Delivery Agreement that is created through Blanket Sales Agreement , sometime the Original producer is not auto filled in the Item Line.
The issue has been fixed such that the Orginal producer are always filled in the Item Line while creating Receipt Agreement from Delivery Agreement.
Certification Logos displayed on a separate page
In the Sales Credit Memo Report (10004728) and the Sales Invoice Report (10004730) when enabling the option to show the certification logos, they were displayed on a separate page. The same error was occurring also in the report that has fewer lines to display. The error has been fixed such that the Logos are now displayed right to Vat Information in the report.
Proforma Receipt Agreement - Update the name of field 'Order date'.
The field “Order Date” is displayed as “Date” in Proforma Receipt Agreement in English translation and is displayed as “Brottfarardags” instead of “Pöntunardagsetning” in Icelandic transalation. The error has been fixed such that correct word is displayed in report as it is in the Agreement.
Coldstore Receipt Report displayed Departure Date instead of Posting Date
There was an error such that the Coldstore Receipt Report was displaying the Departure date of Storage Receipt Agreement instead of Posting Date. The error has been fixed such that the Posting date from Storage Receipt Agreement is displayed instead of Departure Date in Coldstore Report.
Get ekki frátekið sölueiningar - Unable to reserve Trade Items to Delivery Agreements
There was an issue regarding reserving Trade Items to Delivery Agreement, a change was made so that the error message is more descriptive so that the user can see why the Items are not successfully being reserved to the Agreement. If this issue occurs again we will have a better idea of what is really happening so it will be easier to fix the problem.
codeunit 10005183 "WiFiPP BOM Restruct Import Mgt"
waiting for explanation from KGK or steingrímur
Variable BOM for Output Production
Resolved Issues:
Adjust raw material in landed fishing Trip
There was an issue that prevented the user from being able to Adjust Raw Material Lines in Landed Fishing Trips.
The reason for the issue was that the Fishing Trip No. was changed when adjusting the RM, so as you can see in the image below the FT No. had changed to include 3 letters at the end (ADJ). Because of this the user could not Adjust the RM Lines, this has been fixed so the functionality works as intended.
Wrong number of pallets displayed in reports
The number of pallets on certain reports was wrong due to some strange calculations that were happening. Those calculations were not needed and the number of pallet are now simply fetched from a field that contains the correct number of pallets, so this issue has been fixed.
Link to Issues:
List of Issues Released 21.2.20240315.44617 - Wisefish Release Notes - Confluence (atlassian.net)