
Release Date: 12/ 13/2023

New Features:

No New Feature


  1. Add company information and sales person information to report Sales Proforma Invoice 10004727


There was a problem that the field “Handheld Status” in the “Scheduled Trip” table never changed back from “Ready”, and so having it as the first part of a key gives no granularity for SQL-filtering. The SQL-server had no good filtering to get this page to open fast.
To resolve the problem the order of the fields in the key was changed and created a new key with “Status”, ”Handheld Status” in order to get better granularity on the “Status” field. The user should make sure that the Status of the Trip in Logistic setup screen is changed from blank to “Creating Posting Doc” to get the trip status to Moving when creating the posting doc out of Delivery Agreement.


Resolved Issues:

  1. When posting Trade Items to BC-Inventory extra time should not be spent on checking if nothing to post.


Link to List of Issues Released on this Release:

Issue List in the release List of Issues Released 21.2.20231213.39700 - WiseFish Release Notes - Confluence (atlassian.net)

Release History:

Release Note Wisefish 21.2.20231208.39314 - WiseFish Release Notes - Confluence (atlassian.net)