An enhancement has been done so that the Catch Certificate XML from Delivery Agreements use fetches the data in the same data way as it did in the old system. The node fjoldi got its value from Quantity but has been changed back so it uses the same field as it did in the old system which is No. of Trade Items.
Azure File Link in Delivery Agreements
The Attachments section in the Delivery Agreement was displaying the two azure file links where one of them is the old azure file link. An enhancement has been made so that done such the old azure file link is removed and there is only one location where the where the links for Azure files are displayed in Delivery agreements. Rather than showing the links in the old “Links” section section where they don't work, they are only displayed in the “Azure File Link” section where they do work.file link that is working as expected.
Additionally the “Note” column has been populated with the file name in order to make it easier for the user to see which is the attached document this is.
Resolved Issues:
After posting a transfer order the linked trade items transport units do not appear in the Packing List Detail Agreement report.
There was an issue when the delivery agreement was a transfer, the related trade items did not appear on the report after being transferredthat the Packing List Agreement report did not display information related to the transport units when Delivery Agreement has a Postings Document Type as Transfer Order.
This issue was has been fixed and the report now looks at trade item history to display transport unit and container number in the report for posted transfers.
There was an issue regarding the following fields in Receipt Agreements "Comment on Purchase Order" Export fields and Producer NO, Company LOGO
The error in Report Sales Agreement Grand Trader
A following fixes has been done in the report:
The company logo
did not appear, this has been fixed so that the logo is displayed.
The value from “Comment on Purchase Order” field was displayed before,
the fix has been done so that it is no longer displayed.
The Packing Type field is not displayed.
The information regarding the fields Export specific fields like “Transporter” and “Vessel”
are no longer displayed.
The information about the Producer should only be displayed if the toggle for “Display Producer no. is on, and when it was on the information on the Produced was displayed twice, that has been fixed so the information is only displayed once.
Sales invoice - If field "Company Bank Account Code" [163] is changed on Sales Invoice it does not update the "WiFi Bank Account no." [10004725] field.