
In BC23 it was not possible to find the item in create pallet form by selecting the item in Search Description in Item Card. An enhancement has been done such that the field “Search Description” is now visible on an Item Card, a drop down has been added with the list of items in it. When an item is selected in the Search Description, the item is listed in the Item No dropdown of Create Pallet form.


  1. Look at certification of original producer first and then the stock center

The Fishing trips retrieve the certification information as they are defined in the Vessel Card. The Original Producer and the Stock Center in vessel card can have the certification programs registered. The Fishing trip retrieves and displays the certification details from the Original Producer by default. If the Certification program is not registered for the Original producer then the fishing trips retrieves and the displays the certification details from the Stock Center.

Resolved Issues:

  1. BC error when drilling down the Sales Price in Factbox
