Wisefish Base
Release Date: 1913/78/2024
New Features:
No New Features.
Adding two fields to DALs
An enhancement has been made to “Sales Agreement Line” and “Purchase Agreement Line”, and respective subpages. The fields “Agreed Minimum Quantity” and “Agreed Maximum Quantity” have been added. This change allows users to define minimum and maximum quantity of each line. It has also been ensured that the “Minimum Quantity” and “Maximum Quantity” fields of the Production Agreement Line are filled out from the Delivery Agreement when it is being copied over.
Wisefish takes over BC standard functionality when I open item card
When a user was operating within a tenant where WiseFish is not installed the user was not able to open an Item Card. That has been changed so that a user does not need the WiseFish extension to open an item card.
Tracebility for Packaging
An enhancement has been done to Wisefish BOM functionality such that the Wisefish BOM can be posted manually and automatically through Trade Item Output Journal. All the inventory and non Inventory BOM are automatically posted when the Posting method selected in Wiefish Setup is automatic. For Manual user has to manually post the BOM components.
Analyze - Warehouse task list at top of DA page - Fields in header
There are three fields in General section of Delivery Agreements under the subsection “Warehouse Task List”. A decision has been made to hide these fields by default because there are so few customers using this. For the users that use these fields, they can personalize the page and add them back in.
Consider increasing length of field and adding Description 2 in table Raw Material State (10005051)
We have implemented this enhancement to give the users the possibility of writing longer descriptions in Raw Material State where it is needed. The length of the “Description” field has been increased to 80. Additionally we have added a new field that is hidden by default called “Description 2”, users can add this field if the first description field is still to short.
Be able to send email from Blanket Sales Agreements and Blanket Purchase Agreements
An enhancement has been made for Blanket Sales Agreements and Blanket Purchase Agreements. Now the user is able to send the Agreement reports via email. This functionality already existed for Receipt and Delivery Agreements, now these Agreements contain this functionality as well. Images display where this functionality has been added.
Improving dates for API postings
When posting with API, the dates were updated to the working date. We have made a change to that so the user is able to manually input the date and it does not automatically change to the working date. This enhancement gives the user the ability to manually chose a date for any field that should contain a date without the date becoming the working date.
Improving dates for API postings in sales agreement
This is the same fix as the prior issue describes but made for Sales Agreements.
Resolved Issues:
Certifications missing on reports in Icelandic
There was an issue that caused certifications to be missing whenever the user had the language set to Icelandic. This issue has been fixed so that users can have the system set to Icelandic and certification shows up on reports where and when they should.
In Land Fishing Trip, 2 different errors must not have the same error description.
There are two different errors that contain the same error description. This has been fixed by improving the error messages to better describe what is going wrong in the system.
Purchase Invoice Report does not show certification
When a report is created where the Certification is on the Stock Center and “Display in Invoice” is selected, the Purchase Invoice Report does not show the certification. This is also the case with Purchase Reports. This error has been fixed so that the certification is showed just like it should when this is the case.
Enhancement in Report (10004700) Raw Material Purchase (hráefnisinnkaup)
The following new enhancements have been done in the report Raw Material Purchase:
Add total for VAT
Display filter in header when printed out
Add Option to hide lines, and only show total per vendor.
Add number of vessel in front of Vessel name “above line”.
Remove vessel name in lines.
Round amount and vat in total lines. Use “Invoice Rounding Precision” in currencies for “LCY Code” in General Ledger Setup table
Vehicle list - create new. Change status...
There were a few inconvenient things happening when creating a new vehicle. One thing was that a pop up appears when changing the status if you have not selected a “Carriage Category Type”, and trying to continue from that point was not possible. This amongst a few more minor inconveniences have been fixed.
Opening document numbers from list pages.
Documents could not be clicked and opened that way in some places in the system, but can be opened from other places. The only difference is how these document lists were opened, and no matter how you access a page you should have the option to click an agreement to view it. Now the user should be able to open an Agreement no matter how he accessed the page.
R3: Add "Priority" field to DA's (same as PA's) and inherit to PA. R1: Inherit new fields from DA-lines to RA-lines.
A new enhancement has been done such that the Priority field has been created in Delivery Agreement lines and Priority Information copies from Delivery Agreement line to Production Agreement. Additionally it was also make sure that the Priority Information also copies from Delivery Agreement Lines to Receipt Agreement Lines.
Move Wisefish actions to be more visible on pages and lists views
A promoted Wisefish function has been moved from Actions menu list and displayed as separate Wisefish menu so that it is more visible easily in the following pages:
"Customer Card"
"Customer List"
"Vendor Card"
"Vendor List"
"Item Charge Assignment (Purch)"
"Item Charge Assignment (Sales)"
"Purchase Credit Memo"
"Purchase Invoice"
"Purchase Order"
"Sales Credit Memo"
"Sales Invoice"
"Sales Order"
"Sales Return Order"
"Posted Purchase Invoice"
"Posted Purchase Receipt"
"Posted Sales Credit Memo"
"Posted Sales Invoice"
"Posted Sales Shipment"
"Config. Package Card"
Storage Agreement No. Series must not be in the Warehouse Module.
The Page “WiseFish Setup Base” was missing from actions in the “WiseFish Warehouse Setup” page which is added.
Also, page 10004957 has been added to the licensing check for Warehouse.
Resolved Issues:
Receipt Agreement, when the inbound lines have empty "To-bin-code" and "To-zone-code" the trade items should not use those values.
There was an error such that when you receive TIs through RA and leave the "To-bin-code" and "To-zone-code" empty the pallet and TIs are placed in the wrong place. The error has been fixed such that Pallet and Trade Items created through Receipt Agreement are placed in correction place.
When printing multiple A4 barcodes at the same time they all contain the same Barcode
When printing more than one barcode at the same time every page after the first, duplicated the barcode displayed on the first page. This has been fixed so that it is possible to scan any barcode in that report and it returns the correct barcode number.
The VAT amount in Raw Material Purchase Report should be zero if the invoice has not been created and posted.
There was an error such that the VAT amount in the report Raw Material Purchase was copied from next line if the raw material purchase order has been created and received but no invoice has been created. The issue has been fixed such that the VAT amount is displayed as 0 in the report if the no invoice has been created.
CLONE - Bakfæra innkaup hráefniss. Ekki hægt þar sem sölueining Lokuð með teg. lokunar "Kredit".
It is not possible to credit purchase invoice/receipt if TI posted out of inventory with TI Credit Inbound Journal. Because it is not possible to reverse credit inbound with TI Credit Outbound Journal.
We have implemented a fix that will prevent this issue from happening in the first place by making sure that the user is not be able to credit purchase or fishing trip Trade Items in “TI Credit Inbound Journal”.
The way we prevent this is by changing the filtering of available OTI’s to only show “Production” and “Repacking” Trade Items available for Crediting. (So Transfer, Purchase, Fishing Trip and Sales OTIs are no longer available to be credited here.)
This means that purchases cannot be screwed up by crediting OTIs in a journal, and they need to be credited with a Credit Purchase Document.
Skráning veiðiferða. Kóti veiðarfæris breytt í haus, uppfærir ekki fyrirliggjandi línur í veiðiferð.
When Fishing Gear is changed in the header of a Fishing Trip the Fishing Gear in the lines is not updated.
This has been fixed so when the user changes the Fishing Gear in the header it is updated in the lines as well.
Filters in pages 10005124 and 10005127 are different depending on where they are opened from
These pages can be opened from different places and the filter is differently set depending on where you open the page from. This has been fixed so that the filter is the same no matter where you open the page from.
CLONE - Bug: Create Production Agreement from Delivery Agreement
When a user creates a Production Agreement copied from a Delivery Agreement the field “Trade Items (base)” gets the incorrect value. This error was caused because of an incorrect values were used for the calculation, this has now been fixed so that theses values are correct after copying a DA to a PAThere was an issue such that it was not possible to reverse the Trade Item Inbound Credit to to able to post Credit Purchase. The issue has been fixed.
Pallet stuck with picking status "Confirmed". Unable to revoke reservation manually to adjust quantity on the pallet.
There was an error such that Pallet was stuck with picking status "Confirmed
" and it was not possible to revoke reservation manually to adjust quantity on the pallet.
The issue has been fixed , allowing exceptions for the "Bulk-Picking / Freestyle Reservation" method, when revoking pallet from picking / release from reservation.
So, now when pallet has been assigned with “Picking Status” = Confirmed, the revoke action will by pass the check for allowing the pallet to be released from picking & reservation.
Link to Issues:
List of Issues Released 24.1.2024071920240813.49809 50800 - Wisefish Release Notes - Confluence (atlassian.net)
Release History:
Release Notes Wisefish 24.1.2024070820240719.49408 49809 - Wisefish Release Notes - Confluence (atlassian.net)