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Wisefish Base

Release Date: 2/25/2024

New Features:

No New Feature


  1. Enhance Sales agreement GRAND -Trader report

The Sales Agreement- GRAND Trader report was missing the Certification Method Details and Tarrif Number. The report has been enhanced such that these information are displayed correctly in the report. The change has been done to populate the Vessel field and display it properly in the report.

  1. Enhance the Catch certification XML generation functionality in delivery agreements

There was a problem on generating the Catch Certificate XML file that is to be sent to Fiskistofa from Delivery Agreements. Some enhancement has been done in the logic to update the way XML is generated from Delivery Agreement so that XML file for Catch Certificate can be generated without any issue from Delivery Agreement.

  1. Display Vessel Name in Purchase Agreement Report R10005301

The Report Purchase Agreement was displaying the word “Vessel” in Vessel Name field instead of actually displaying the Vessel Name. The enhancement has been done such that the proper Vessel Name is fetched and displayed in the Report.

Resolved Issues:

  1. Character Limit exceeded in the printed Report name WiFi Save Purch.Agr as PDF


  1. Catch Certificate XML from Delivery Agreement

An enhancement has been done so that the Catch Certificate XML from Delivery Agreements fetches the data in the same way as it did in the old system. The node fjoldi got its value from Quantity but has been changed back so it uses the same field as it did in the old system which is No. of Trade Items.

The other enhancement was to the field nettothyngd, in the new system it got its value from Weight (BWU), this was changed to what it was like in the old system so it get it value from the Quantity field.


Resolved Issues:

  1. After posting a transfer order the linked transport units do not appear in the Packing List Detail Agreement report.

There was an issue that the Packing List Agreement report did not display information related to the transport units when Delivery Agreement has a Postings Document Type as Transfer Order.

This issue has been fixed and the report now looks at trade item history to display transport unit and container number in the report for posted transfers.

  1. The error in Report Sales Agreement Grand Trader

  • A following fixes has been done in the report:
    The company logo did not appear, this has been fixed so that the logo is displayed.

  • The value from “Comment on Purchase Order” field was displayed before, the fix has been done so that it is no longer displayed.

  • The Packing Type field is not displayed.

  • The information regarding the fields Export specific fields like “Transporter” and “Vessel” are no longer displayed.

  • The information about the Producer should only be displayed if the toggle for “Display Producer no. is on, and when it was on the information on the Produced was displayed twice, that has been fixed so the information is only displayed once.

Link to Issues:

List of Issues Released 21.2.2024020220240205.42304 42452 - WiseFish Release Notes - Confluence (

Release History:

Release Notes Wisefish 21.2.2024013120240202.42208 42304 - WiseFish Release Notes - Confluence (