Wisefish NorwayFSO
Release Date: 1201/1517/20232024
New Features:
No New Feature
Eventsubscriber to populate fields in PurchaseLine when line is recreated from Fishing TripChanges for Norges Rafisklag new fields on the final and landing slip
An enhancement has been done to add EventSubscriber in codeunit 10006053 “WiFiFSO Norwegian Integr Event”. This event subscriber subscribes to new Event in Cu 10004846 in WiseFish Base. New subscriber is identical with subscriber C10004802_OnPurchAccRMCreateWFPurchLn
Default selection in Purchasing Stock Center and Stock Center code while creating Fishing Trip lines
such that two new fields named as “Norwegian Officer” and “ERS Number” have been added for sending FSO notes. ERS number is the electronic reporting number for Norwegian fishing vessels (ERS Regulations). The FSO notes can be sent with the data field on these fields.
Send FSO notes to FSL (Norges Råfisklaget only)
An user was not able to send FSO note to Norges Rafisklaget because when a new note was created the “Latest version” was not set to true automatically. An enhancement has been done such that When Creating Fishing trips from FSO notes, "Purchasing stock center" in fishing trip lines is automatically “Stock Center Code” from Vessel card and "Stock Center Code" in fishing trip lines is automatically an “Original Producer” from Vessel card. Additionally a change in FSO note has been done so that it is not getting the values from the Purchasing Stock center.
Resolved Issues:
List of Issues:
List of issues (add relese no.) the FSO notes are sent to FSL without any issues and the notes are approved.
Resolved Issues:
Duplicate Lines imported while Importing to Landed fishing trip
While importing the Landed Fishing Trip, every time the import was done all the duplicate lines were imported and created . An error has been fixed such that the duplicate lines are skipped while importing and no new duplicate lines are imported and created.
Error Landing Fishing Trip with changed Vessel code
An error message was displayed when Landing a Fishing Trip if the vessel code of the trip is changed to the code that does not contain a hyphen or spaces for example to T0001H from T 0001H or T-0001H. The error has been fixed such that fishing trip can be imported with no issue when vessel code has no space or hyphen.
Link to Issues:
List of Issues Released 21.2.20240117.41300 - WiseFish Release Notes - Confluence (atlassian.net)
Release History:
Release Notes Norway FSO 21.2.2023121520231221.39822 40124 - WiseFish Release Notes - Confluence (atlassian.net)