When origin is RA-Repacking the catch origin information comes from the sub-contractor and is recorded per output line reported in the RA-Repacking. If it turns out that the origin information is only on the raw material that is consumed into repacking (not on the reported output from contractor), then it is necessary to take additional measures to bring catch origins from raw material RA-purchase to the repacking lot, and fetch from there to DA. Now, the function Fetch Entries in Delivery Agreement is required to make an extra effort of fetching the catch certification information from related receipt agreements via connected “Trade Item Inbound Lines”, which has been allocated to the corresponding delivery agreement via the “Reserve to Agreement” set of fields.
Resolved Issues:
Add error check on "Connector Setup" Innova weight unit of measure.
An enhancement has been done in such that the Innova entries are never flushed until the field Innova weight unit of measure has been set to some values. An error check has been introduced that does not allow entries to be flushed unless there is a value set in “Innova weight unit of measure” in connector setup.
Enable manual pallet numbers in trade item output journal.
An enhancement has been done such that the user can manually enter pallet numbers in the Trade Item Output Journal, if the WF-User Profile has a setting as Pallet No= Manual. An option has been added in the Pallet No field in the Wisefish Setup Configuration page as Manual and Default. If the option is selected as Manual the user is able to manually edit the Pallet No in the Trade Item Output Journal.
Add pallet tare weight to Inbound From Innova and irregular weight items to be created with multiple masters on one record.
An enhancement has been done such that the system is now capable of receiving "tare weight" from external production system, and posting it to proper ledgers (trade item ledger entries, and open trade items).
Resolved Issues:
R: 10004727 Sales Proforma on unposted sale invoice - packaging info missing and report expands to two pages.
There was an error such that the Packaging Information was missing in the report and the report was displayed in two pages because of unused extra spaces in between. The spacing error in the report has been fixed and the packaging information are also displayed.
Extended Text - When deleting customer text it creates the text again.
There was an issue such that when the Extended Text for a Customer is created and deleted it is actually not deleted from the Extended Text List page. The text is displayed but not the Source detail for the text. The issue has been fixed such that the extended text what is deleted for a customer is permanently deleted and is not displayed in the Extended Text list.
Extended text - When linking general text to customer it does not show in extended text table.
When the general extended text was created and linked to the Customer, it was not displayed in the Extended Text List page. The issue has been fixed such that the extended texts that are lined to customers are displayed in the Extended Text list page with all relevant data.
BUG in Certifications when correcting Quantity in purchase.
There was an error such that the Certification process for a lot was marked as “No” when correcting the quantity in the purchase even though it was marked as Certification Process “Yes” before correction. The issue has been fixed to ensure that a new lot is certified when a "Lot Cert. Prog. Reg." entry is created for it.
Catch Certificate Entries not getting moved to manually created lot when posting RA.
There was an error such that the Origin Information was not created to lot with the information from the FSO note. The issue has been fixed such that the Certificate Entries are created to lot when Receipt Agreement is posted after lot had been manually created beforehand.
Link to Issues:
List of Issues Released 24.1.2024121020250109.1 2 - Wisefish Release Notes - Confluence
Release History:
Release Notes Wisefish 24.1.2024112820241210.55979 1 - Wisefish Release Notes - Confluence