Before setting up the FSO module the following information must be provided from the Sales Organizations and Fiskeridirektorated.
Information from Sales Organizations
The following information must be provided from the Sales Organization.
Norges Råfisklag: Three separate user and passwords that is provided by them:
user and password for retrieving notes
user and password for sending notes
user and password to fetch products from Råfisklaget
Surofi: One user and password provided by Surofi
Norges Sildesalgslag: One user and password provided by Norges Sildesalgslag
Official Codes from Fiskeridirektorated
Fiskeridirektorated in Norway provides the Official Codes that are imported in WiseFish. Fiskeridirektoratet issues a excel file for landing and marketing of fish. Users need to be aware Note that the data in the excel file might be updated or changed by Fiskeridirektoratet, then the data needs to be imported again. The file can be updated at any time and imported again. In that case the system will only import new data from the excel file and skip the data that is already in the system.