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Athugið að einungis notendur sem eru D365 Administrator eða Global Administrator geta opnað Dynamics 365 Business Central admin center. |
Business Central umhverfin eru uppfærð samkvæmt roadmap með 2 stærri (e. major) útgáfum í apríl og október ár hvert ásamt mánaðarlegum minni (e. minor) útgáfum.
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Note that only users who are D365 Administrators or Global Administrators can open the Dynamics 365 Business Central Admin Center. |
The Business Central environments are updated according to a roadmap with 2 major releases in April and October each year along with monthly minor releases. Here are additional details.
An upgrade date is assigned automatically during the update period, however it is possible to set the update date and upgrade time to the environments from the Dynamics 365 Business Central Admin Center.
Til þess að velja uppfærslutíma er umhverfið opnað, smellt á Update Settings og smellt á To select an update time, open the environment and click on Update Settings > Set update window.Til þess að velja uppfærsludagsetningu er umhverfið opnað, smellt á Update Settingsog smellt á Set update date.
Notification Recipients
Set up scheduled notifications for updates when they become available for your environment. Notifications are sent to all recipients listed on the Notification Recipients tab in Business Central Admin Center.
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Til að missa ekki af uppfærslutilkynningum frá Microsoft verður þú að ganga úr skugga um að tölvupósturinum sé ekki vísað í ruslpóstmöppuna. Tilkynningarnar eru sendar frá netfanginu In order not to miss update notifications from Microsoft, you must make sure that the email is not redirected to the spam folder. The notifications are sent from the following email address: |
Hér eru nánari upplýsingar um hvernig á að stjórna uppfærslum í Admin Center
Hér eru nánari upplýsingar um major og minor útgáfurHere are details on how to manage updates in Admin Center.
Here is more information about major and minor versions.