View and work with the production and sandbox environments for your company, including:
Sérkerfi Wise eru gerð aðgengileg inni í Admin Center hjá öllum viðskiptavinum en það er undir stjórnanda kerfisins að koma uppfærslunni fyrir í umhverfunum sjálfum (raun og prufuumhverfi). Þetta er gert með einföldum hætti inni í Admin Center. Smellið hér fyrir frekari upplýsingar.
Update the system to the latest version of Business Central.
Managing apps (such as WiseFish)
WiseFish’s systems are made available inside the Admin Center for all customers, but it is up to the System Administrator to install the updates in the environments themselves (real and test environments). This is done in a simple way inside the Admin Center. Click here for more information.
It is recommended that the System Administrator carefully examines the options available in Admin Center, but more detailed instructions can be found here.