No New Feature
Edit report 10004730 according to report 10005310.
Is it possible to connect Trade Items directly to Item Ledger Entries?
Resolved Issues:
Line discount not showing when display tariff no. is enabled - Delivery Agreement GrandPurchase Agreement Report :10005301 round sums to 2 decimal places .
An enhancement has been done to round the Sum of Quantity and Sum of Totals in Purchase Agreement Reports to two decimal places so that the sums does not flow to next line in reports because of the sums having more decimals.
Before Enhancement:
After Enhancement:
Look at the Performance Profiler for the delivery agreement:
The updates to the query structure inside Receipt Agr Chart Mgt. has been done to narrow the agreements header first, and then narrow down the lines, instead of finding the header from querying each line in the system so that the performance can be optimized.
Add an Option selection page for sending Sale Invoices in email as in Print Report screen
An enhancement has been done such that the Option page is opened when user clicks on Email on Posted Sales Invoices page. The Option page lists multiple options for user to either toggle On or Off based upon what information the user is willing to display on the Sales Invoice Report that is being sent in the email. The Report in PDF format that is attached to email displays all the data in report based upon the options selected.
AWB and External Document No. added to inbound from Innova.
Two new fields AWB and External Document No. has been added to Inbound from Innova to cope with Airway Bill No, and External Document No, coming from Innova. The logic needed for those fields to populate matching field in a delivery agreement in Wisefish has also been added.
Add field "Original Lot" to Open Trade Items for Selection table of Select Trade Item to Journal page.
A field “Original Lot” has been added to Open Trade Item for Selection table of Select Trade Item to Journal page. The user should be allowed to select the Original Lot clicking on the field.
Resolved Issues:
Item tracking lines are missing in Credit purchase invoice if inventory and credit are sold.
There was an error such that the Item Tracking lines were not displayed in the Credit Purchase Memo. The amendment in the logic has been made and the error has been fixed so that the Item Tracking lines are displayed in Credit Purchase Invoices.
Error because of spaces between emails when sending a Proforma Receipt Agreement in email
When sending a Proforma Receipt Agreement in an email from a Delivery Agreement selecting a Stock Center as Original Producer and if the multiple Email IDs are setup in the Stock Center then an error was displayed. The issue has been fixed such that the emails are sent to multiple recipients with out any error.
Raw Material Purchases Bank Statement is crediting more than once.
There was an error that the Raw Material Purchases Bank Statement was fetching each purchase invoice related to fishing trips, and crediting per each invoice even though it was only credited once. The error has been fixed such that the Raw Material Purchase Bank Statement report is generated correctly without without lines being credited multiple times.
Stock center in tracking lot for purchase invoice missing, from Receipt Agreement.
While Posting the Purchase Invoices from Receipt Agreement, an error message was displayed for missing stock center if the stock center was missing in the Agreement Header but was defined in the agreement lines. Two changes have been done to fix this error and make error more user friendly.
Improve the error message: Instead of “The Stock Center does not exist …” message, more descriptive message like “The stock center code is missing from the related lot [number], for the insertion of a lot product entry. Please review your actions.” was displayed.
In the creation of the item tracking lots for a purchase document, which was created out of a receipt agreement, use the specified stock center as the backfall identification of the lot’s stock center for the item tracking.
After these changes have been done the Purchase Invoices can be posted without any error.
Reversal of Warehouse Storage Receipt was not possible, if delivered and delivery reversed.
There was an error displayed while Reversing the Posted Storage Receipt agreement if delivery had happened and delivery was reversed.
The logic has been extended and a change to the reversal criteria has been done to allow the reversal to by-pass the check, if the related pallets and trade items have been shipped and reversed back into inventory as a whole, given that no further changes have taken place, like ownership change. The corresponding pallets and trade items have also to be available (f.ex. without reservation). After the changes in the criteria has been implemented the Reversal of Posted Storage Receipt Agreement is possible without any error.
Link to Issues:
List of Issues Released 21.2.20240417.46206 - Wisefish Release Notes - Confluence (atlassian.net)