The Certification Program information appears on the report if the setup on the customer indicates to do so. If the user wants to include the certifications on a certification program logo report, they can do so by selecting the following two fieldsfield before printing:
The following is a list of reports that include certification programs.
Wisefish Base:
R10004730 10004730 (Posted Sales Invoice)
10005310 (Sales Agreement - GRAND)
10005300 (Sales Agreement)
R10005310 (Posted Sales Invoice)
10004727 (Sales - Proforma Invoice)
10004728 (Sales - Credit Invoice)
10005301 (Purchase Agreement)
10005315 (Purchase Agreements from Delivery Agreement - Trader)
10005305 (Purchase Agreements from Delivery Agreement)
10005402 (Packing List)
Wisefish Export:
10006922 (Wisefish Export Packing List)
10006923 (Wisefish Export Packing List Detail)
To set reports use the Report Selection pages.
Here is an example of what a report marked with certifications looks like.