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(ísl. veiðivottorð)

The origin of raw materials can be recorded on five different stages in Wisefish.


In all cases, it is possible to add and/or change the registration of origin when preparing the Catch Certificates.

Table of Contents


Fishing Trips

Receipt Agreement

In the Receipt Agreement, the origin of raw materials and products can be recorded

To record origin of the item, select the line to register and then click Line > Record Origin.


A new page opens up where the user can create the catch certificate entries. Once the entries are there, the user closes the window.


When the Receipt Agreement is posted, origin lots are created for each line in the Receipt Agreement. These origin lots are assigned the corresponding information assigned to the line. To view the information on the origin lots the user is able to go to the Trace From Origin action in the Receipt Agreement


Production Lots


Delivery Agreement


Posted Sales Invoice


Wisefish Export

Notandi getur prentað út vinnublað veiðivottorðs auk þess að mynda XML skrá út frá þeim upplýsingum sem búið er að rekja og skrá fyrir viðkomandi reikning. Útprentunin er í raun sambærileg þeirri útprentun sem hægt er að prenta út hjá Fiskistofu og sýnir uppruna á bak við þau tollnúmer sem verið er að flytja út niður á gám- eða flugnúmer. Á sama hátt er hægt að mynda XML skjal sem síðan er hægt að lesa inn á vef Fiskistofu og sleppur þá notandi við allan innslátt þar. Ef notandi er að nýta sér XML virkni veiðivottorða þá byrjar hann á að mynda veiðivottorðs upplýsingar fyrir ákveðin reikning í WiseFish og síðan myndar hann XML skjal út frá þeim upplýsingum sem þar er að finna. Notandi getur sem fyrr haft áhrif á þau gögn sem þar myndast ef hann veit betur en kerfið eða ef einhver villa hefur átt sér stað við skráningu

InfoIn all cases, it is possible to add and/or change the registration of origin when preparing the Catch Certificates..


The Trace From Origin page opens up and the user can open the origin lot card by clicking Lot > Card.


On the origin lot card, click on Navigate > Register Origin To Lot. There are fields that indicate where the catch certificate entries came from. Ref. Type, Ref. No., and Ref. line No.


When the information from the Receipt Agreement is fetched in the Delivery Agreement or Export Document. The catch certificate information is fetched from the origin lot.

Production Lots

Registration of origin directly on lots is mainly thought for those cases when it is not possible to dispose of raw materials until after the products have been sold.

Hægt er að skrá uppruna á lotur á sambærilegan hátt og þegar uppruni er skráður á móttökusamkomulög. Aðgerðin „Skráning uppruna á lotu“ er í lotulistanum og við það að smella á hana opnast spjald þar sem mögulegt er að skrá allan uppruna hráefnis sem ráðstafað er á lotuna.


Delivery Agreement

Those users who create Receipt Agreements out of the Delivery Agreement, can record the raw material origins of the lines in the Delivery Agreement by clicking on the line and then Line > Record Origin.


A new page opens up where the user can create the catch certificate entries. Once the entries are there, the user closes the window.


It is possible to create an XML file from the information that has been recorded in the lines.

The user can also create Receipt Agreements from the Delivery Agreement and the catch certificate information recorded in the delivery agreement lines will registered to the origin lots of the receipt agreement.

Posted Sales Invoice

Wisefish Export

