Look at the Performance Profiler for the delivery agreement:
The updates to the query structure inside Receipt Agr Chart Mgt. has been done to narrow the agreements header first, and then narrow down the lines, instead of finding the header from querying each line in the system so that the performance can be optimized.
Add an Option selection page for sending Sale Invoices in email as in Print Report screen
After these changes have been done the Purchase Invoices can be posted without any error.
Reversal of Warehouse Storage Receipt was not possible, if delivered and delivery reversed.
There was an error displayed while Reversing the Posted Storage Receipt agreement if delivery had happened and delivery was reversed.
The logic has been extended and a change to the reversal criteria has been done to allow the reversal to by-pass the check, if the related pallets and trade items have been shipped and reversed back into inventory as a whole, given that no further changes have taken place, like ownership change. The corresponding pallets and trade items have also to be available (f.ex. without reservation). After the changes in the criteria has been implemented the Reversal of Posted Storage Receipt Agreement is possible without any error.