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We take a closer look at setting up EUR for sale:




Activate CFC Creating on Documents





When set, delivery agreement, sales invoice, sales order, purchase invoice, and purchase order (document) will be marked for futures contract creation provided the currency of the document is enabled for futures contract. 

The alternative option is to set futures contract creation manually. 


Typically, you want to enable this option when in most cases you want to create futures contract from a voucher.



Below is information on how the CFC module is set up from the CFC Setup page.

Go to the search bar and type CFC Setup. Click on CFC Setup Lists.


Click on New.


Fill in the fields and place a checkmark where applicable. It is required to fill out fields that are marked with a red star. Hover over field names to get a more detailed description.


Note that in most cases the Activate CFC Creating on Documents is enabled. If the Currency Future Contract should be created/updated automatically when posting Delivery Agreements, Sales Invoices, Sales Orders, Purchase Invoice, and Purchase Order place a checkmark in this field.


If a cancellation reason code should be enforced when cancelling a currency future contract place a checkmark in Cancel Reason Code Mandatory. More information on how to set up Cancel Reason Codes can be found here.

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When the page has been filled out, close the page to save the setup. Now, everything has been setup to start using Currency Future Contract.
