Wisefish Base
Release Date: 2/12/2024
New Features:
No New Feature
Landings from Receipt Agreements, add Water and Krill calculation
An enhancement has been done such that Water and Krill Calculation has been while importing the Pallets to Agreement Inbound Lines.
Adjustments in report 10004580 WiFi Inventory Overview
Some enhancements as listed below have been done in WiFi Inventory Overview Report:
Added number of pallets.
Added option to “Main Grouping” in request form. Added just “Item”.
If “Show Value” not requested, only show qty. “Price per Kg” in print out now.
If in “Secondary Grouping” = Pallet Barcode. → show pallet number, not the pallet barcode.
Added weight so that the user see 3 columns, number of pallets, TI/QTY and Weight.barcode.
The Icelandic Translation of the report is enabled.
Adjustments in report 10005315 Receipt Agreement
Some enhancements as listed below have been done in Receipt Agreement Report:
“Tegund pökkunar: Ytri pokar” is moved at the top of the report table header on the left side.
Added the transporter and vessel in the report. These fields are connected to the export fields.
If there is no receipt agreement connected, the receipt agreement number is not displayed the report.
The Delivery Agreement Number is moved little bit to left so that it aligns with the other details.
Adjustments in report 10005320 Invoice
Some enhancements as listed below have been done in Invoice Report:
Title has been removed from the report header to make it consistent with the other report.
Invoice No. has been moved to align it properly with the fields below it.
payment terms in the Report Header were displayed in Icelandic while all the content in the were displayed in English when English translation was on. The change has been done so that Payment terms are displayed in English when English translation is On.
Auth. No. field is displayed in one line but not as wrapped text.
Discount column has been made smaller and description has been made larger.
Error in navigating Select Trade Item Lines from Credit Delivery Agreement Factbox
There was an error such that when selecting Trade Items in Credit Delivery Agreement factbox does not change the lines in Closed Trade Items for Selection table. The issue has been fixed such that when a line is clicked in factox the respective line is displayed in the Closed TI for Selection table. The behavior is same as navigating to lines by clicking Previous and Next button.
Difference in print vs. send email in delivery agreement
Currently when the user is intending to send Delivery Agreement report in email the user is not provided with an option to select unselect certain fields in the report and the send email pop up window opens directly. This feature has been enhanced so that Filter Criteria pop up window opens when user sends email as it is being displayed currently when user is printing the DA report.
Resolved Issues:
Catch certificate XML string error
An error message was displayed when the air waybill number exceeded more than 11 characters while creating catch certificate XML.
An error has been fixed by creating a new field - “Waybill No.” that hold longer strings than the old obsolete field can hold. The old field “Waybill Number” has been made obsolete in the XML buffer table which receives the value from the “Shipping Reference No.” field in the Delivery Agreement Header and transfers it to the XML file.
Report 10005316 and 10005315 show certification when no RAs connected
There was an error where the report Purchase Agreement from Delivery Agreement Trader and Save Purchase Agreement as PDF report were displaying the Certification Details even though none of the trade items were certified. The error has been fixed such that the certification details no longer appear in these reports if there are no trade items connected to it with certifications.
Sales invoice - If field "Company Bank Account Code" [163] is changed on Sales Invoice it does not update the "WiFi Bank Account no." [10004725] field.
When the field "Company Bank Account Code" is changed on a Sales Invoice the field “WiFi Bank Account no.” is not updated as it should. This issue has been fixed so that the user can change the "Company Bank Account Code" and all connected fields are updated accordingly.
Lot distribution fail
There was an error such that when a lot was set to Consumption Distribution Per = Lot in lot card, then the lot distribution was missing if the consumption raw material no for items was not defined in item card. The error message as this was displayed “Contrib. Raw Mat. No. must have a value in Item: No.=P00246. It cannot be zero or empty.” . The error has been fixed such that the lot distribution is not failing if the consumption raw material is not defined.
Error on navigating between the Factbox lines in Scanning to Storage Receipt Agreement
Navigating between the Factbox lines in Scanning to Storage Receipt Agreement does not change the lines in the Trade Item Storage Receipt Inbound Lines as the Previous Item Line and Next Item Line. The issue has been fixed such that when user clicks on a line in the factbox the respective Line is displayed in the Trade Item Storage Receipt Inbound Lines.
String too long when sending email from Purchase Agreement as PDF report (10005315)
There was an error when the subject of the email has too many strings while user tries to send Purchase Agreement as Email from Delivery Agreement. The error has been fixed such that the subject of the email can incorporate long strings without any issue.
Link to Issues:
List of Issues Released VN - Wisefish Release Notes - Confluence (atlassian.net)
Release History:
Release Notes Wisefish 21.2.20240206.42522 - Wisefish Release Notes - Confluence (atlassian.net)