Designated Transport Unit Wizard

Designated Transport Unit Wizard

The Designated Transport Unit Wizard is programmed to assists users through the creation of a Scheduled Trip and Transport Units with a step by step guide.

Click on the three dots by the Transport Unit ID field or find it under Actions - Logistics - Transport Unit Wizard.


The field will automatically be filled out with the information already available on the Delivery Agreement. Then fill in the rest of the fields where applicable.

Fetch previous Delivery Agreements

If the uses wishes to fetch logistics information from a previous Delivery Agreement related to the corresponding customer click Fetch logistics and select a Delivery Agreement.

Create Scheduled Trip and Transport Units

Finished off by hitting the Create Schedule Trip and Transport Unit action, the Designated Transport Unit Wizard page closes and the corresponding delivery agreement gets assigned with a new scheduled trip and its designated transport unit created as previously specified within the wizard-page:.

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