Eksfin Setup

Eksfin Setup

Export Finance Norway (Eksfin) is a government financial enterprise that ensure that Norwegian export industries are financially competitive abroad. Eksfin falls under the Norwegian Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries.

Eksfin offers long-term financing and guarantees to support Norwegian exports and internationalization in aquaculture and fisheries. The guarantees help foreign buyers with financing, reduce the risk of loss for Norwegian exporters and foreign buyers, and give Norwegian companies a level playing field abroad. This guarantees both exporters and banks a high degree of security. Companies are required to submit a monthly sales statement to Eksfin.

WiseFish offers to export the sales statement as an Excel file that meets Eksfin requirements. This chapter illustrates how to set up this functionality in WiseFish. More information on the report can be found here.

Set Up

Go to Company Information in the upper right-hand corner.

In the General quick tab, Eksfin Customer No. must be defined. The number will appear in export files.

All customers included in the Eksfin sales statement must be defined with their own Eksfin Policy No. To do this, go to Customers > Customer Card. In the Invoicing quick tab, Eksfin Customer No. must be defined. Note that there may be several policy numbers covering different countries.