List of all Blanket Purchase Agreements

List of all Blanket Purchase Agreements

The list view of the Blanket Purchase Agreements, seen below, displays all of the Blanket Purchase Agreements that have been created in the system regardless of the status.

Actions in the Blanket Purchase Agreement List

+New - Create a new Blanket Purchase Agreement.

Delete - Delete the selected Blanket Purchase Agreement.

Process > Copy to a New Agreement - Copy the Blanket Purchase Agreement to a new agreement.

Reports > Print Blanket Agreement - Print the Blanket Purchase Agreement.

Status - Change the status of the selected Blanket Purchase Agreement (Release, Reopen and other options).

Planning > Planning for Scheduled Receipts - Plan the scheduled deliveries for the blanket Purchase agreement. Click here to view more information.

Statistics > Cost Analysis - Open the cost analysis for the Blanket Purchase Agreement. Click here to view more information.

Navigate - Navigate the shipping and invoiced documents for the Blanket Purchase Agreement.