Release Notes Wisefish 24.1.20240821.51118

Release Notes Wisefish 24.1.20240821.51118

Wisefish Base

Release Date: 21/8/2024

New Features:

No New Features.


  1. Mandatory information must be added to the report, Fishing trip Key figurers R10004803

An enhancement has been done in the report such that report needed to be modified to be able to calculate the workers pension share, and the wage supplement, but also be able to calculate and render the old layout.

  1. CLONE - Adjust columns for packing list detailed

An enhancement has been done to make the Description Column In Packing List Detail Report more wider so that the text does not usually wrap to line 2.

  1. Storage Shipment Agreement - Loading list print/report selection needed.

An enhancement has been done such that Packing List Report can be printed from Storage Shipment Agreement under the Reports tab. There was an option in Report Selection - Agreement, Usage:: “Warehouse Delivery Agreement” that seems to do nothing. That has been fixed and the user is now able to print the packing list report from Storage Shipment Agreement when the report selection agreement is as “Warehouse Delivery Agreement”. The report Option is added next to “Print” under Reports tab in Storage Shipment Agreement.


  1. Bulk-Picking / Freestyle Reservation: Add fact-box for availability of bins and pallets

An enhancement has been done such that a new fact-box has been added for showing the availability of bins and number of pallets (unreserved), for a given item no., location code and lot code filter (if applicable) while processing the bulk-picking / freestyle reservation. If the picking is executed from a storage shipment agreement, then stock center code is part of the criteria. The fact-box is refreshed after each confirmation, where the user can monitor the changes in the pallet counters by the bins.

  1. Bulk-Picking by freestyle reservation: Picked pallet visibility in scanning page

The user interface for the bulk-picking / freestyle reservation has been simplified, by not distinguishing between different options of “Directed Path for Picking” on the TI Zone, when presenting the list of picked pallets (confirmed & finished). Internal forklift see picked pallets with pallet picking status “Confirmed”. This status is updated to “Finished” when the external forklift executes the final scan into transport unit.

  1. Remove customer name from email subject - R: 10005315 Receipt proforma

The Customer Name has been removed from the Subject of the email, while sending the Receipt Proforma Agreement in email.

  1. Move Wisefish actions to be more visible on item card

An enhancement has been done In Item Card to move all the functions from Wise and Wise Connector menu under Related Tab to Wisefish Tab so that they are more visible.

This change has been done in Item List , Item Card, Location List and Location Card.

  1. Need to enhance error message saying that "item mixing on pallets is not allowed".

An enhancement has been done in the error message stating that a "item mixing on pallets is not allowed" if a stock center has “item mixing not allowed” as a parameter, while importing file to TI output journal.

Resolved Issues:

  1. Invalid barcodes for R10004532

When printing barcodes of pre-created pallets in the Trade Item Output Journal, every barcode was identical and therefor returned the same result when scanned. This has been fixed so that correct barcode is printed for all pallets.

  1. Change TI Hold Status - 10004505 - Filter not working for Icelandic translation

When the system was set to Icelandic the system did not look up the hold status. The changes to any of the status from the previous status was not reflected. This issue has been fixed.

  1. Receipt Agreement Report (10005301) shows all certification logos

When a Receipt Agreement with certified lines was printed (using Report 10005301), including the certification logos, the certification text is listed correctly, but all logos were displayed. The error has been fixed such that only the logo that is connected to the Certification of the item is displayed.

  1. Update Icelandi Translation for 'geymir' to Gámur

It was identified that on the posted sales report, the word geymir was used for gámur. Code has been further analyzed to find all the places where the word 'geymir' has been used and it is changed to Gámur.

  1. Be able to print pdf through API

There was an error while printing PDF through API. The error has been fixed such that Customers will be able to get sales invoices in pdf from API.

Link to Issues:

List of Issues Released 24.1.20240821.51118 - Wisefish Release Notes - Confluence (atlassian.net)

Release History:

Release Notes Wisefish 24.1.20240813.50800 - Wisefish Release Notes - Confluence (atlassian.net)

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