Set Up Web Service Connection/API

Set Up Web Service Connection/API

Wisefish Setup

The first step is to define the File Setup type. If the user chooses to store the XML files in an Azure file server choose the file setup as Azure File on the Wisefish Setup page, the user will have to set up the Fish Market Setup, Storage Account and Directory.


Alternatively, the user can also Select the File Setup as Default. In this case the data that are in the XML file are not stored in the Azure file server but are directly imported to fish market. In this case the state of the import is directly “File Imported” and is never displayed as “Registration” which happens in the case of Azure File Server selected in File Setup.


Fish Market Setup

The next step of the setup is to Fish Market Setup. More info from RSF.

Setup needed for Azure File and Default is under the General tab (marked blue on image):

  • Default Location Code - the default location code when purchasing raw material from RSF.

  • RSF API URL - https://rsf.is/api/v1/

  • RSF API Token - retrieved from the settings page on the RSF website. Be sure to be logged in and then go to settings. The token can be found under Token for API tab on the settings page.

Setup needed for Azure File ONLY is under the Azure tab (marked in green on image):

  • Document File Path - is the same value as the directory set up in the previous step for file storage. This is where the user want to store the imported file.

  • Azure Store Name for Document - Same as the storage account set up in a previous step.

  • Azure File Share Name for Document - Same as the storage account name set up in a previous step.


Create a Storage Account (File Setup = Azure File)

If the user wishes to store there XML files, that can be done through Azure.

Create a Storage Account or select the one existing on the Wisefish Azure File Shares page. A storage account is something that the IT manager should be able to provide, created through Microsoft Azure Administration Center.


To create a storage account go to the Wisefish Azure Storage Account page and click the action +New.


A new page opens where the user fills out the following information. User will need a access key found in the azure portal.

Select a Directory (File Setup = Azure File)

Next step is to set up a directory to store the files in. Go to the Wisefish Azure File Explorer page.

Select the Directory for File Storage.



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