Release Notes Wisefish 24.1.20240916.52359

Release Notes Wisefish 24.1.20240916.52359

Wisefish Base

Release Date: 17/9/2024

New Features:

No New Features.


  1. Enhancement in Report 10004805 - Raw material purchases - Bank statement.

Few enhancements as listed below has been done in the Report Raw Material Purchase - Bank Statement:

  • The users are able to filter reports on certain vendor or no vendor or several vendors

  • The users are able to filter reports on certain vessel(s) – and if there is a filter on a vendor – the report just displays the vendor’s boats.

  • The users are able to filter on a period .

  • The report looks at all post purchases and purchase credit memos within that filter.

  • The VAT amounts are displayed correctly in reports.

  • The Harbor Funds are calculated and displayed correctly in the report.

  1. Bartender. Add printpallletlabel function to Page10004522.

An enhancement has been done to add Print Pallet Label functionality in WiFi Add to Pallet page. With the addition of this functionality it is possible to print “No. of Pallet Labels” defined on the page when produced qty is added to existing pallet.

  1. New fields in External Production API to be able to receive container information on shipments.

An enhancement has been done to External Production API by adding 3 fields to the table that receives records from Innova. The fields are:

  • Seal No Export

  • Container No Export

  • Shipping Agent Code

The Seal No Export and Container No Export enable user to receive the Container Numbers per Delivery Agreement Lines and the value of them is written into the Delivery Agreement Lines. The Shipping Agent code received from Innova goes directly into field with corresponding name in the Delivery Agreement Header.

  1. Fix layout for Function : Get fishing trip inventory - WiFi Get Fishing Trip Inv (10004847, Worksheet).

The User interface layout of the page Get Fishing Trip Inventory was disorganized and distorted. An enhancement has been done to fix the distortions in the user interface of this page so that page is user friendly and User Interface is nice and organized.

  1. Item by Lots Availability fact box - Add Original Lot

A new set of fact-boxes (1) Items by Original Lots Availability and (2) Items by Storage Agent Lots Availability have been introduced to the following sales agreements: (i) Delivery Agreement, (ii) Blanket Sales Agreement and (iii) Storage Shipment Agreement.

These fact-boxes are visible in the respective page by adding through Personalization. The additonal fields (1) ATP Items by Org. Lots (Sales Agr.) and (2) ATP Items by Stor. Agent Lots (Sales Agr.) were also added in the WiseFish Setup Configuration page.

Resolved Issues:

  1. Update production lines when exchange percentage are updated in header.

There was an issue such that the Production Lines in the Fishing trip were not updated when the Settlement fields as in below screenshot were updated in the header.



The issue has been fixed such that the respective fields in the Production Lines are updated with the values that are setup in the Exchange Percentages Fields of the Header.

  1. Hold status for lots - report: update to better tooltips.

The tooltip to change the Hold Status for Lots was misleading.



The change have been done to the list pages and reports to give better ToolTips and Captions of the actions. Icelandic translations has also been fixed for the tooltip and caption.

  1. Fast tab- Catch Reporting has no filed displayed.

The tab Catch Reporting in the Stock Center card has no filled displayed under it. This is an unnecessary tab so it is hidden from the user interface.

  1. Reservation Worksheet for Pallets – Release Pallet: Transport Unit ID not cleared in pallet entry

There was an issue such that when pallet is released from reservation worksheet for pallets, the transport unit ID was not cleared in related pallet entry. The issue has been fixed such that the transport unit ID is cleared in related pallet entry after releasing the pallet from reservation.

  1. Internal sales agreement difference between agreement and sales document

The user was able to edit the quantity into the selected trade item lines of the Internal sales Agreement. When this is done the agreement lines were updated with the edited quantity but the posted purchase invoice was displaying the initial quantity. The issue has been fixed such that user is not able to update the quantity in the Selected Trade Item line and user has to use the existing feature “ Edit Selected Quantity in the Trade Item”.

  1. Updates to General Tab in Delivery Agreement

The change has been done in the General Tab in Delivery Agreement such that the Field Posted Sales Invoice is displayed by default and Posted Credit Sales is hidden by default and is only displayed when Show More fields are done.

  1. Color codes in Production Agreement

The changes has been made to the coloring of Production Agreement Lines for Irregular Items, so that the “Quantity (Base)” field is checked out as well as the Trade Item field. The proper color coding is done to the Production agreement lines based upon either more or less quantities are produced than the quantity base.


Link to Issues:

List of Issues Released 24.1.20240916.52359 - Wisefish Release Notes - Confluence (atlassian.net)

Release History:

Release Notes Wisefish 24.1.20240904.51793 - Wisefish Release Notes - Confluence (atlassian.net)


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