Release Notes Wisefish Export 24.1.20240726.50113

Release Notes Wisefish Export 24.1.20240726.50113

Wisefish Export

Release Date: 26/7/2024

New Features:

No New Feature


  1. Update the field Tarriff No. Export in Wf Item Worksheet

Field 'Tariff No. Export' connected to the table "WiFiEx Tariff Number Export" added to the "WiFi TI Item Worksheet" table and page. Furthermore, functionality added so that the field works as expected when creating entries into the worksheet from the Item table and when migrating the item worksheet entries into the Item table.

  1. Copy functionality - seal no info from logistics fields missing

Functionality added so that when copying from a Delivery Agreement to an Export Declaration, the Sales Agreement Line fields "Container No. (TU)" and "Seal No. (TU)" are used to fill in the Export Line fields Containers and Seal if the Sales Agreement Line fields "Container No. (Export)" and "Seal No. (Export)" are empty.

  1. Customs Report - Use country's Name instead of Code for Buyers Country and Destination Country

Changes made to Customs Declaration report "WiFiEx Export Document" to use the country name for Commercial Country and Destination Country, instead of the country code.

  1. Export - The ability to adjust extended text lines and update fetching text for export connector

Changes were made to the Export Extended Texts so that the text lines are now editable. Furthermore, if the Export Connector is installed, the Export Extended Texts will have actions to fetch Extended Texts from Customers and Items, and to open the Wisefish Extended Text List.

  1. The ability to control item description on shipping instructions using extended text

Functionality added so that users can create Extended Texts marked for use as Description of Goods, that they can add to a new field in the Export page called Description of Goods. If this field in the Export page is filled out, all Export Lines are summed up into one line on the Shipping Instructions report, using the value in the Description of Goods field as a description for the summed up line.

  1. Report:10002910 - Flutningsfyrirmæli - update functionality for copies

Fields 'Bill of Lading', 'Waybill', 'No. Originals', and 'No. Copies' removed from the request page of report Shipping Instructions. Instead, the report looks at values in fields "Number Of Originals Bs/L", "Number Of Copies Bs/L", and "Shipping Instructions Type" in the Export Header when filling out the corresponding fields in the report. Small fixes also made to the caption of fields in the report.

  1. Create and send XML to Samskip

Changes made to action Samskip E-Docs so that an XML file and PDF of the Shipping Instructions report are created and attached to an email. The email editor opens ready to send to the email address saved in the Samskip Transportation Company entry.

  1. Update error message when no customs exchange rate found for currency

The code was using a procedure to fetch exchange rates that wasn't working for Export exchange rates, so it returned a zero value if the exchange rate hadn't already been fetched previously. This would result in the code sometimes trying to divide by zero and an error message would appear because of that. Another procedure was used instead that should always return a value higher than zero, so the error will no longer appear.

  1. Add warning messages in Export

Error message added if user enters a negative number in these three fields “Foreign Commission”, “Transportation Fee”, and “Other Costs”.

Confirmation message added if user tries to delete an Export Declaration with “EDI Status” as anything other than “In Process” (the default value).

The code already called the procedure to calculate FOB price when sending EDI, fetching EDI, or printing Customs Report. What was missing was calling the procedure that fills out currency codes for costs, so the FOB calculating wasn’t working correctly if the currency codes for costs were missing. That has now been added so the FOB price should be automatically calculated when using those actions.

Warning put in instead of error when user tries to copy from a Delivery Agreement that has already been connected to an Export Declaration. The warning lets the user know that there is already an Export Declaration connected to the DA and asks if they would like to disconnect that and create a new Export Declaration.

Resolved Issues:

No New Resolved Issues


Link to Issues:

List of Issues Released 24.1.20240726.50113 - Wisefish Release Notes - Confluence (atlassian.net)

Release History:

Release Notes Wisefish Export 22.2.20240429.46759 - Wisefish Release Notes - Confluence (atlassian.net)

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