Release Notes Wisefish 21.2.20231208.39314

Release Notes Wisefish 21.2.20231208.39314

Wisefish Base

Release Date: 12/8/2023

New Features:

No New Feature


  1. Reduce number of validation error when landing external vessels

The current system was displaying the validation errors in case of “Missing Exchange Price” and “Missing Exchange Percent” when landing the external vessels. These validations are irrelevant for landing the external vessels and should be removed. An enhancement is made to allow the landing of 3rd party vessels without getting payroll errors.

  1. Enhancements on WF Loading Instruction Report 10005501

Few enhancement have been done to the Loading Instruction Report. Two new columns (Lot No. and Production Date) have been added along with the Icelandic translation for these fields. We also fixed the calculations for the sum of total items in the report which was being displayed incorrectly. Additionally, all the information in the report has been re-routed to fetch data from their respective lot in the "Trade Item Ledger Entries" table. Before, these changes were made, all information was fetched form the "Allocated Agreement Lines for Transport Unit List" table, which was displaying incorrect information about reserved trade items.

Resolved Issues:

  1. Error when printing Creditnote. "Customer does not exists = ''

An error message was displayed while printing the Credit Note Report. The error has been fixed such that the report is printed successfully without any issues and the Certification information are displayed correctly whenever applicable.

  1. Error while adjusting raw material line in landed Fishing Trip

When selecting the item no while adjusting the raw material in landed fishing trip an error was displayed. The issue has been fixed so that user is able to select the Item No in adjust raw material line.

  1. When creating Stock Center from Vendor Card the "Vendor Code" is not filled out in the “Stock Center” entry.

When creating a Stock Center from a Vendor Card the "Vendor No." was not being filled out in the “Stock Center” entry because of which the stock center added from the vendor code were not saved and it disappeared when the Vendor card was opened. The error has been fixed to make sure that the Stock Center created from a Vendor Card doesn’t disappear from the Vendor view.

  1. Error Consuming certified Raw Material to a certified lot

There was an error displayed while consuming the item to a certified lot. The error has been fixed to make sure all the following cases for consumption of items work as expected:

  • User is able to consume MSC certified items to a MSC certified lot (that is: same certifications)

  • User is be able to consume non certified items to a non certified lot

  • User is able to consume certified items to a not certified lot but it shows a warning message.

  • User is not be able to consume non certified items to a certified lot, the action is stopped.


  1. Changing Sell to- Customer in Delivery Agreement with reservation

The user was not allowed to change the Sell to Customer in delivery agreement that has trade item reservation. The error has been fixed and the user is now able to change the sell-to customer in a delivery agreement containing trade item reservation. The user is displayed the warning message and when user agrees on the warning the Sell to Customer is changed.

  1. It is not possible to print packing list after an agreement is closed.

There was issue the the item line were missing on the Packing List report when Delivery Agreement is Transfer Order. the issue has been fixed allowing user to print the Packing List report and the item lines were displayed correctly in the report when Delivery Agreement is Transfer Order.


Link to Issues:

List of Issues Released 21.2.20231208.39314 - WiseFish Release Notes - Confluence (atlassian.net)

Release History:

Release Notes Wisefish 21.2.20231206.39183 - WiseFish Release Notes - Confluence (atlassian.net)