The Credit Delivery Agreements are used to reverse a closed Delivery Agreement and make the Trade Items available again.

Create a Credit Delivery Agreement

Find the Delivery Agreement to be credited and ensure that the status is equal to closed and that it is linked to a Posted Sales Invoice. Then click General > Create a Credit Delivery Agreement


Release the Credit Delivery Agreement.


Then run ribbon action "click Invoicing > Create Posting Document".


The status of the agreement is automatically changed from " Released " to " Posting " and the new Credit Sales Invoice can be opened from the "Sales Documents" counter on the "General" tabopens up. Click Posting > Post to post the credit invoice.


The system will ask the user to confirm whether they would like to credit the delivery agreement. Click Yes to confirm.


The system then confirms that he Credit Memo has been posted. Click Yes to open the Credit Memo and No to close the window.


Return to the Credit Delivery Agreement where the Status is now Closed and the counter for Posted Credit Sales shows 1.


If so configured, then the returned trade items are reserved back to the original Delivery Agreement and the Delivery Agreement Lines regain their green and bold font. Alternatively the trade items are returned to free stock.