The roles can be found by searching for Profiles (Roles) in the search window and clicking on the option in the list.
The page displays all of the roles in the system. The roles indicate what kind of access a user has to the system.
Note that not everyone has access to this page and only selected individuals can make adjustments to this list.
The WiseFish Norway Profile gives the user access to the WiseFish Norwegian customizations. The customizations are split into five modules. The Norway Base module is a prerequisite for the other four modules.
Norway Base
Norway CFC (Currency Future Contract)
Norway Factoring
Norway Customs (Customs Link)
Norway FSO (Fisherman’s Sales Organizations)
Set Roles to Users
These roles are then selected in the User Settings. To find the user settings type it in the search window and click the option in the list.
The role is displayed in the field Role.
Select Role in Settings
Make sure to set the role to WiseFish Norway Profile. Go to the settings icon and click on My Settings.
Set the role to WiseFish Norway Profile.