Currency futures contracts Page
All Futures Contracts can be found in the list Currency Future Contracts.
Use the Currency Future Contract – Detail FactBox to get a quick overview and more detailed information about each contract.
On the Currency Future Contract page, information about the contract can be found.
General Tab
Following information can be found on the General tab
The currency and whether it relates to the sale or purchase of currency.
Information about Documents linked and posted to the Contract.
The remaining amount that are the difference between bank amount (payments) and the posted document amount (in currency). The remaining amount is updated:
When changing futures contract amounts.
When posting invoices and linking credit memos to a Currency Futures Contract).
When unlinking Documents (e.g. when incorrect credit note has been "linked" to a futures contract).
Bank Tab
In the event of an integration with the bank, the information under the Bank tab will be filled in automatically. Without bank integration, the following should be filled in (delivered in the bank's contract):
Due Date
Forward rate
Amount and Amount (LCY)
Transaction type will be “Forward”.
Posted Documents Tab
On the “Posted Documents” fast tab, you get document information about the posted invoice. The lines are filled in when the invoice is posted. If the lines are empty, this means that the futures contract has been created from a planned document such as delivery agreement, sales order, etc. and that this planned document has not yet been posted.
Linked Documents Tab
If the document was created from a non-posted document (such as sales order or delivery agreement as mentioned in c) as a planned document, information about this can be found under the “Linked to Documents” fast tab. Additional fields can be shown if needed.
Misc. Tab
At the “Misc.” fast tab, you get some additional information such as change information, global dimensions, how many times you have sent the document by e-mail, etc.