Issue Type | Key | Summary | Priority |
Bug | ERROR - Credit purchase invoice. Item trackin lines missing if inventory sold and credit sold. | High | |
Story | Look at the Performance Profiler for the delivery agreement | Medium | |
Story | Difference in print vs. send email for sales invoice | Medium | |
Story | Add field "origin lot" to open trade items | Low | |
Story | AWB and External document no. added to inbound from innova. | Medium | |
Story | Purchase Agreement R:10005301 round sums to 2 decimals and ensure that the amounts do not go below in next line | High | |
Bug | Error because of spaces between emails when sending a Proforma Receipt Agreement in email | Medium | |
Bug | Raw Material Purchases Bank Statement is crediting more than once | High | |
Bug | Stock center in tracking lot for purchase invoice missing, from Receipt Agreement. | High | |
Bug | Reversal of WarehouseStorageReceipt, if delivered and delivery reversed | High |