Wisefish NorwayFSO
Release Date: 12/ 15/2023
New Features:
No New Feature
Add a new field "Origin Lot" column to Norwegian Warehouse Excel import Receipt
Currently, the Norwegian Warehouse excel import receipt does not have a Origin Lot filed because of which Origin Lot is not displayed in Open Trade Item and Trade Item Ledger Entry. An enhancement is made to add the field “Origin Lot” in the Warehouse Excel Import Receipt, and when the Origin lot is selected the selected lot is displayed in “Origin Lot” column of Open Trade Item table and Trade Item Ledger Entry table.
Resolved Issues:
Same FSO notes are imported and displayed in multiple lines
There was an error where the same FSO notes were being imported for multiple times. The error has been fixed such that the FSO Notes are imported once and fishing trip is only set to the note it was created from.
List of Issues:
List of Issues Released #Releasion version no - WiseFish Release Notes - Confluence (atlassian.net)
Release History
Release Notes Norway FSO 21.2.20231205.39067 - WiseFish Release Notes - Confluence (atlassian.net)