Wisefish Norway Custom Link
Release Date: 12/ 22/2023
New Features:
No New Feature
Resolved Issues:
Incorrect Gross weight being sent to Timpex , Custom Declaration
The pallet weight was not included in the Gross weight that was sent o Timpex. The packing list report was however showing the correct gross weight. An issue has been fixed where Gross weight in Customs Declaration is calculated including the pallet tare weight. Now the gross weight in the Custom Declaration matches the gross weight in the packing list report.
Gross weight in Declaration Header is not calculated correctly
The pallet weight was not included in the Gross weight that was displayed in Custom Declaration. An issue has been fixed where Gross weight in Customs Declaration is calculated including the pallet tare weight.
Link to issues:
List of issues - WiseFish Release Notes - Confluence (atlassian.net)
Release History