Issue Type | Key | Summary | Priority |
Story | WiseFish BOM functionality: Part 2 | Medium | |
Bug | Customer extended texts not appearing automatically on sales invoice | High | |
Bug | R:10005310 - Delivery Agreement Grand report missing auth number when transfer order | High | |
Bug | Proforma - Sales Invoice R: 10004727 - Auth no missing | High | |
Story | Fixing a field called "Active" in Receipt Agreement Header and Line tables | Medium | |
Story | Move "XML Grades" field from XML tab to General tab and rename it | Medium | |
Story | Adjust columns for packing list detailed | High | |
Story | CertificationProgr: Enhanch confirmation window, so it only appears when appropriate | Medium | |
Bug | Cert. Program - Get entries in Islandssaga gives message on lot not connected to Post. Sale Invoice. | Medium | |
Bug | Production Analysis by Global Dimensions - Create view per GD not working with filter | Medium | |
Bug | Error when posting pre created pallets in TI Output journal when they are linked to a DA | Medium | |
Bug | Sales Price list - Wrong price selected in DA line. | Highest |