Certification Program Process Flow

Certification Program Process Flow

Simple Process Flow of Registering Certification Programs

Below is a simple process flow of where Certification Programs are registered:

Certification Programs

The user first needs to set up their certification programs in the Certification Programs page.


The system allows the user to indicate whether an item is not certified. Some types of fish are not certified, e.g., Mackerel. The user is then able to set that item as never certified.


When purchasing items (raw materials, products) the user is able to indicate on the Vendor or External (Vendor's) Stock Centers whether they are certified. If there is a certification indicated on one of those, the certifications are automatically registered to the lines of the receipt agreement. If they are both in place on vendor and vendor stock center, the system will pick up the certifications on the vendor stock centers.


To obtain automatic registration on production lots in Wisefish, the user is able to set up the certification program on their own stock center.


It is possible to set certification programs on the customer. The certification program on the customer dictates what the reports should show. The default value on the customer is to see all certifications registered in the sale. However, the user is able to indicate that the customer only wants to see one specific certification or even no certification.

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