Logistics - Loading/Dispatching Process Flow

Logistics - Loading/Dispatching Process Flow

The Key Functional Elements for Loading / Dispatching

A conventional scenario in the operation of logistics, involves the following steps:

  1. A salesperson creates a Delivery Agreement to be shipped to the corresponding customer according to the shipment terms for a specific shipment date to a designated place of delivery, as they have agreed up on. The registration for the delivery agreement is confirmed by changing its status to Released.

  2. A logistics manager reviews all released delivery agreements for a specific shipment date and assigns appropriate scheduled trips to them, which fits the delivery plan and schedule.

  3. When allocation of delivery agreements to scheduled trips is done, the logistics manager reviews the overall scope for the goods to be transported for the designated shipment date and creates transport units to cover the required need.

  4. Allocation of trade items for a designated transport unit can begin when the logistics manager has changed the status of the transport unit from Open to Released.

  5. After completing allocating trade items to a specific transport unit, the logistics manager will change the status to Ready for Transporting as indication for the next stage.

  6. At the turning point where all transport units within a scheduled trip have been marked with Ready for Transporting, the final stage of invoicing for the related delivery agreements can be closed in the scenario where detail information on the corresponding transport units are expected, which they’ve been allocated into – For example in the process of customs clearance for the export of the goods.

  7. Afterwards when a transport unit has reached its destination, the logistics manager will change the status to Transport Completed.

  8. When all transport units have reached their destination as per the scheduled trip, the logistics will change the scheduled trip status to Completed.

In Brief

A sales person creates a Delivery Agreement to be shipped to the corresponding customer according to the shipment terms for a specific shipment date to a designated place of delivery. A logistics manager reviews all released delivery agreements for a specific shipment date and assigns appropriate scheduled trips to them, which fits the delivery plan and schedule.