Release Notes Wisefish 24.1.20240828.51432

Release Notes Wisefish 24.1.20240828.51432

Wisefish Base

Release Date: 29/8/2024

New Features:

No New Features.



  1. Researching how barcodes are generated in reports 4530 and 4532.

The barcodes generated from these reports had a grey background as shown in below screenshot, because of which both cameras and lower end handheld scanners struggle to scan the barcodes correctly into the system. The analysis has been done and few adjustment has been carried out so that the barcode are scanned correctly into the system with a camera and scanner.

  1. R10004730 and R10004728 .

This reports had an extra unused gap at the header which was removed and the report was enhanced to fetch a company logo in a report in a more optimized way than that was used before.

  1. Scheduled trip table should return number of all agreement types .

The table (10005502 "WiFi Scheduled Trip") has a field that holds the number of related Sales Agreements, that is agreements of type “Delivery Agreement”. This field is called allocNoOfDAs.

The problem is that a trip also references a list of another type of Sales Agreements, that is of type “ShipmentWH” (Storage Shipment). We also need a field that contains the number of those agreements.

To resolve the problem a new a flow-field has been added specifically for the number of storage shipment agreements, similar to the number of delivery agreements. The The “Scheduled Trip” fact-box has also been enhanced accordingly.

  1. Add country of Origin to Delivery Agreement page.

The Country of Origin field should be added in Default under Shipping tab in Delivery Agreement page when show more is clicked, if Export system has not been installed.

In case if Export system has been installed, the Country of Origin should be added under Shipping Reference Number in Delivery Agreement page.

Resolved Issues:

No Resolved Issues


Link to Issues:

List of Issues Released 24.1.20240828.51432 - Wisefish Release Notes - Confluence (atlassian.net)

Release History:

Release Notes Wisefish 24.1.20240821.51118 - Wisefish Release Notes - Confluence (atlassian.net)

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