Wisefish Green Accounting
Person Responsible | Last Updated | Version |
ari@wisefish.is | November 22, 2024 | 1.0 |
Since the pre-industrial era there has been a continuous increase in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions that are contributing to climate change. As emissions rise, legislations are rapidly evolving around the world, mandating industries, including seafood and fish farming, to report their carbon footprints, so that these industries may work on reducing their emissions while managing their environmental impacts. The Green Accounting solution can be used for carbon management throughout the entire seafood supply chain.
The Wisefish Green Accounting solution provides the tools needed for monitoring, managing, and reporting emissions. Wisefish´s Green Accounting solution is built on Wisefish´s traceability, as the carbon footprint follows the trade item throughout the supply chain. Traceability and transparency are essential for sustainability reporting and determining the environmental impact of a product. Wisefish Green Accounting is a carbon accounting tool that accounts for emissions from fishing, production, logistics, and more. The data can be taken into Power BI providing powerful insights and metrics for sustainability reporting. Whether you want to manage your organization´s emissions as a whole or showcase your products´ carbon footprints the Green Accounting solution is here to support.
Product Description
Provides full traceability of carbon calculations, tracking all relevant emissions throughout the supply chain until the final destination.
Calculate carbon emissions (CO2eq) for:
Fishing trips.
Maintain transparent records of emission calculations.
Store emission data from invoices, such as purchased fish or oil.
Display the distribution of carbon emissions associated with the final product, supporting eco-labeling and carbon footprint claims to retailers.
Specify CO2e/kg of fish trade item and provide a breakdown of the carbon footprint.
Sustainability Reporting tool via Power BI, linked to the carbon data in Business Central, enabling:
Insights on resource efficiency
Environmental performance reports using data from Business Central for ESG reporting
Power BI metrics and visualizations on environmental performance
Features on Road Map
Green Accounting for Aquaculture
Green Accounting for Warehouse
User Interface
Usage Examples
Providing industry with track records so that they may measure and manage emissions, comply with legislations, and for use with sustainability reporting.
Insights to support emission reductions and enhance stakeholder communication on environmental performance.
Providing the customer with information regarding the environmental impact of a food product.
Providing information needed to support the eco-labeling of seafood products.
User Manuals
Click on the link below to view the User Manual.
Wisefish Green Accounting Manual
Licensing Guide
To be able to use Wisefish Green Accounting you need to have Wisefish Base License.