Assign Estimated Additional Cost to an Agreement
In the ribbon in a Delivery Agreement the Estimated Additional Sales Cost action is selected.
The Edit - Sales Agreement Estimated Additional Cost page then opens with blank lines. Cost can be entered manually in the lines and/or a cost template can be selected that automatically fills in the lines per the template selected.
On a new line, in the Item Charge No. field, select the Item Charge.
Fill in the remaining fields as necessary. Below is a more detailed descriptions of the most used fields.
Field | Definition |
Item Charge No. | No. of item charge selected from list (or copied from template). |
Item Charge Description | The description of the item charge according to its setup. |
Cost Calculation Method | There are five options:
Percentage of Value | If the Cost Calculation Method field in the line is set to Percentage of Value, then the field is open for data entry, otherwise it is read-only. |
Percent Base Value | Percent base value is filled out automatically with the total value of an agreement for lines that have an item charge that is calculated as a percentage of value. |
Unit Cost per BWU | If the Cost Calculation Method field in the line is set to BWU, then the field is open for data entry, otherwise it is read-only. This is the unit price that is multiplied with the weight. |
Net Weight (BWU) | The total net weight (BWU) of an agreement is automatically filled in by the system for lines that have an item charge which is calculated as unit price multiplied by the quantity in the agreement. |
Unit Cost | Unit price of an item charge with regards to the selected cost calculation method. It is only possible to enter data manually into the field in lines where the field Cost Calculation Method is empty, otherwise the price is obtained from an item charge card. |
Cost Quantity | Is automatically filled in with the total quantity- or total value of an agreement depending on the Cost Calculation Method field. Data can only be manually entered into the field in lines where the Cost Calculation Method field is empty. |
Cost Net Weight (BWU) | The cost net weight (BWU), i.e. in the weight unit of the system which is either KG or LB. |
Cost Amount | Is automatically filled in with the calculated cost of an agreement depending on the Cost Calculation Method field. Data can only be manually entered into the field in lines where the Cost Calculation Method field is empty. |
Currency Code | Currency code that applies to the calculated amount for an item charge and appears in the field Cost Amount. |
Cost Amount (LCY) | Calculated cost amount in the local currency of the system. Read-only. |
Unit Cost (LCY) per BWU | The unit price of an item charge in the local currency of the system. Read-only. |
Currency code (Agreement) | The currency code of an agreement – entered on the tab Foreign Trade in the agreement. |
Cost Amount (Agr. CY) | Calculated cost amount in the currency of an agreement. Read-only. |
Unit Cost (Agr. CY) per BWU | The unit cost of an item charge in the currency of an agreement. Read-only. |
Agreement Order Date | The order date of an agreement, as entered in the fast tab ´General´ in the agreement header. |
Agreement Posting Date | The posting date of an agreement, as entered in the fast tab ´General´ in the agreement header. |
Agreement Amount
| The total amount of an agreement in the currency of the agreement. A flow field into the agreement lines and shows real amounts in the agreement. If lines are in italic and red, then it indicates that assumptions have changed in the agreement lines and the user must run the action Update Estimated Costs on the ribbon on top of the page (difference between fields Percent Base Value and Agreement Amount. |
Agreement Currency | Agreement currency. |
Agreement Net Weight (BWU) | The total net weight of an agreement in the BWU of the system. A flow field into the agreement lines and shows actual quantity in an agreement. If lines are italic and red, then it indicates that assumptions have changed in the agreement lines and the user must select the action Update Estimated Costs on the ribbon on top of the page (difference between fields Net Weight (BWU) and Agreement Net Weight (BWU). |
Accrue Item Charge | Specifies if the Item Charge entry is marked for Accruing costs to G/L. See more here. |