Release Notes Wisefish NO Customs Link 21.2.20241125.55652
Wisefish Norway Custom Link
Release Date: 25/11/2024
New Features:
No New Feature
Add to Storage Shipment Agreement report and customs tab
Improvements were made to Delivery Agreements and Storage Shipment Agreements. An button to print the “Faktbrev” report was added under the Report section in the header. Additionally the “Customs” section was missing from the Shipping tab in SSAs. This has been fixed so that the user is able to see and modify the fields that belong to the “Customs” section.
Create Customs Declaration Header from Posted Storage Shipment Agreement
An enhancement has been made so that when posting a Storage Shipment Agreement, a Customs Declaration Header is created from the Posted Storage Shipment Agreement.
If WF Warehouse active (Warehouse setup) and “Norway Customs link” active (Customs setup) then…….
When both WF Warehouse and Norway Customs Link are active, four new fields in SSA lines must be forwarded for Norwegian customs declaration. These fields include Customs Rate, Customs Unit Price, Customs Amount, and Customs Amount LCY. Values for these fields will be calculated at the time the SSA is posted. Extensive analysis and calculations have been conducted for various scenarios to ensure the accuracy of the values populated in these fields.
Add blank value
An enhancement has been made so that the field “Domestic and Abroad” found in Item Charges can be left blank without it resulting in an error when copying a line that contains no value.
Resolved Issues:
Option field showing 0 when it should have been blank - page 309 and table 259
When copying Transport Method lined from one company to another a blank field was set to “0” instead of being left blank. This resulted in an error, now you can successfully paste the lines that contain blank fields between companies.
Get on Customs setup causes error if not exist when creating SalesAgreement.
An error occurred when creating a Sales Agreement if Customs Setup had not been set up. This has been fixed so that it is possible to create a Sales Agreement without configuring the Customs Setup page.
Link to issues:
List of Issues Released 21.2.20241125.55652 - Wisefish Release Notes - Confluence (
Release History: