Release Note Norway FSO 21.2.20230920.33039
Wisefish NorwayFSO
Release Date: 11/29/2023
New Features:
No New Feature
FSO addition for Vessel creation (BC14+)
In a FSO Note, when running the action “Create Vessels from Notes”,
The new Vessel is created with the format 2+4+2 (taking away any spaces and dashes) so Vessels from all sales organizations are created in the same way when imported to Wisefish.
The users are given the possibility to add the Vessel Approval No. if it is missing in the note.
BC14: Delete/edit Fishing Trip FSO warehouse import Lines lines
The user should be able to edit and delete the Fishing Trip FSO warehouse import lines and import it again if the fishing trip has not been landed and the items have not been received in stock.
Norwegian Warehouse Excel import
Create a pop up with the warning message stating “ Duplicate Pallet Number encountered # Pallet no “ when the Pallet number is duplicate in the warehouse import excel sheet before importing the data to table. The user should be able to cancel the import or continue to import despite the warning.
Improve FSO note list by setting filter on Last version
The FSO Notes list currently displays all the imported FSO Notes lines. Some of the Notes are imported multiple times and the newest version is marked “Last version”. This feature need to be enhanced such that only the FSO Notes lines that are either marked as Last version or has a Fishing Trip No. should be displayed.
Populating Note No in fishing trips before landing
We need to make sure Note no is populated in fishing trip lines before landing the Fishing trip. For that a Note No field should be added to “Norwegian Warehouse Excel Import Receipt” page as user adds the Column for Note No in excel sheet.
A warning message should be added to make user aware of the missing note no in lines stating that the “Note no is missing” while landing the fishing trip. If one note is connected to the fishing trip the system can auto populate the note no to the lines.
Show Note No in Tile
Note No. has been added to table “WiFi Trade Item Ledger Entry” in Norway FSO. The Note Number should also be displayed on the TILE Page (Extend TILE page 10004501).
Resolved Issues:
Update Quantity in “FT Product Line”
The Quantity in the Raw Material Lines and the Product lines should be updated when the lines are deleted. The quantity must be zero when all the lines are deleted.
Clear Fishing Trip Number
When Fishing trip is deleted with connected FSO note we need to make sure that the fishing trip no is cleared from the note, so the user can create a new fishing trip.
Norway Translations fix
Fixed the missing translation.
Note No is not being populated in Production
When a fishing trip has a note No, it should also be populated in production. It is however correctly displayed in the Trade Item ledger entry.
Error while creating vessel from note
An error message is displayed when user tries to create a vessel from a note even though the vessel approval code exist on a note.
Link to Issues:
List of Issues Released 21.2.20230920.33039 - WiseFish Release Notes - Confluence (
Release History: